Sunday, 21 February 2016

The Prologue

Hello and welcome to the first posting on my efforts to create the Battle of Towton, 1461, from the Wars of the Roses in 28mm.

The path to this posting has been long. It probably started with the classic Ladybird Warwick the Kingmaker when I was eight or nine. I think it was one of my school’s library books.

Then Airfix wargaming and model making to the purchase of £70 worth of Essex’s medieval figures. At the time, in my early teens, this was a huge amount on cash and weight, my own personal lead mountain. I started painting these at the time, drawing mainly on the Osprey’s Wars of the Roses book and the ubiquitous Humbrol enamel paints. 

After a hiatus of about twenty years, opportunity, and for short time, spare cash and time plus discovering inspirational blogs such as Army Royal and Le Jay Emprins kick started back into action.

So with all that in place, I launched into researching and creating a set of figures for Towton, stripped all the paint off and undercoated all my old Essex figures. That was the easy bit; bought two boxes of Perry plastics, and studied Stuart Mulligan’s and David Imrie’s painting guides.

I plan to post my progress in planning, researching and painting of the opposing Yorkist and Lancastarian forces, plus some detours into wider C15th and early C16th history.

For starters, here two figures twenty year apart in my model making, I hope its evident some progress has been made.