Monday, 25 June 2018

Scottish mercanaries - WIP

 Here is my first venture into proper conversions and using Green Stuff - some Highland heavy infantry and mixed missile troops, with the latter in skirmishing/advancing poses.
I wanted to make some Scottish mercenaries to represent the men Margaret was allowed by King James III to raise in 1460 and who marched south to and the north again after St Albans. One secondary source claims that they were present at Towton.

I had been planning to make lowland Scots but my reading suggested that they wouldn't look that different to English forces, give or take some slightly more dated fashion and equipment and possibly bonnets, which were definitely worn by lowlanders by the early C16th. But I took a slight leap and decided to make something more distinct - Highland Gallowglasses and archers. I also may use them for a potential side project - Flodden - if I ever find the time to get beyond the research.

In terms of sources, I drew on  plate  and the images of highland gravestones in Osprey's MAA Scottish Renaissance Armies, and cribbed ideas from Stoke Field's excellent Irish troop conversions and Antediluvian's Scottish and Irish range. I wish the excellent references and debate started by Simon Chick on LAF had been available at the time too. I may draw on these when I come to paint my figures.

They are a mix of Perry's French and English HYW, Ansar-e and WoR MAAs, plus some Essex, and the piper is half Perry/half Warlord Scottish Coventor. And I enjoyed playing with the GS; although found the mail a difficult process. It also felt odd to sculpt the overly long aketons.I started the conversions as Claymore/Antidiluvian's range  disappeared whilst they moved company. But once I had bought all of the extra spruces, Perrys launched their own Irish WoRs range, though I think Antidiluvians have the edge on these, and I'm content with my take.
This was as far as I got before a hand injury. I've been out of action for 8 weeks but now the plaster is off and I hope to start painting these soon and starting some core Lancastarian forces.