Been a bit side tracked with life and other projects, including planning some Operation Contenance figures and vehicles, the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran in 1941. I've not made of painted anything yet on the latter but have a P38t to convert into the earlier
TNHP. And after some German WW1s for Iranian forces and eventually some Perry's 8th Army with the Indian forces. It has a similar feel to the Spanish Civil War - mix of cutting edge and more antiquated kit, on the British and Soviet as well as the Iranian side. And just enough quirkiness to make it different. But unlike WoRs, there is a lot more source material - including excellent
Pathe New footage. More on this, in due course, probably on
Lead Adventures Forum.
But before I go too off-piste, something WoR-related finished, one of the Perry's artillery pieces, straight out of the box, bar the wooden barrel and cannon balls. It was fun and nice not to have to worry about liveries.
Still working on my first Lancastrian stand, Lord Dacre and troops at rest.