Friday 25 January 2019

The Scots are here! at last

 This has been a labour of love or a trial, getting to grips with GS, especially once I realised they had no place on my Towton table. Anyway they are done now and back to more familiar territory - comepleting the Earl of Warwick's stand and a Lord Dacre pausing for a drink vignette.


  1. These are great! I am just starting on a Flodden/Irish army using gripping beast Saxon Theigns, Perry Ansar and French mediaeval infantry all jammed together!
    Best Iain

  2. Many thanks Iain. I really enjoyed the process. Im toying with a small late C15/early C16th Scottish force - partly as I have some of Stuart M's dollies to use, and also interested in Richard, Duke Of Gloucester's raid into Scotland, as well as my ongoing research about what if any Scots forces were at St Albans and or Towton. Look forward to seeing you work.
